Well, I’m not a dating expert, so only can speak from my own experience. I 100% agree that having fun and being carefree is crucial for every person! Especially for those serious ones, who are hassling 24/7. And sometimes a combination of one hassler + one Peter Pan (no matter of the gender) can work out perfectly for the couple. By the end of the day, it’s all about one's expectation from relationships. I always wanted Alpha male who will be a strong shoulder next to me, the captain of the ship who I will be able to trust and rely on in the days of storms. Obviously, Peter Pan will never fit that description. As my friend says: “Choose your own poison”. If you want to have fun all the time — be ready for the drawbacks of this lifestyle. If you want to have a strong partnership and concur the world together — be ready to work hard and be supportive of your Alpha and don’t expect him to be easy and fun all the time. He has shit to manage!